Stephanie Bushra Khan
Artist, writer, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes faerie goddess spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle, Elfin Ally Oracle and Goddess Zodiac Power decks and has self-published two books and numerous zines. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, the Sawdust Art Festival, and the Women’s Museum of California. Kathy writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans and has taught at Mt. San Jacinto College, HGTV, and is a mentor at the Wise Woman School where she teaches a Divine Feminine eClass. Find her online at
Stephenie Bushra Khan was originally from Massachusetts and then married a man from Bangladesh, whose culture greatly influenced her poetry and art. A converted Muslim, Ms Khan's art is suffused with Islamic mysticism or sufism. The women in her paintings are women dervishes..or mystics. All her paintings represent the worship of God in the New England woods and display the New England birds and flowers, where she sought refuge and the Oneness of God as a child. Her name Bushra is her Islamic name, which means the Gospel or good news and she seeks to express this concept in her art.